Friday 28 September 2012

To Hydraluron or not to Hydraluron....

A couple of weeks ago I confessed to purchasing a rather expensive new product called Hydraluron by Indeed Labs, and at the time I promised a review.

The reason I haven't yet posted a review is because, to be perfectly honest, I haven't formed a cast iron opinion yet on this product.

One thing I can confirm hands down is that the product makes your skin softer to the touch.  This is a definite.  As soon as your moisturiser soaks in, your skin will feel dreamy soft.

I also think my foundation is easier to apply and even has better staying power.  I wouldn't say these effects are particularly pronounced, it was more something I started to notice over time.  My foundation spreads more evenly, blends in easier, and definitely stays better.  I suspect this is because the product is meant to prevent my skin "drinking" the water out of my foundation, and I can see some evidence of this.

But the product generally..?  I'm not sure.  It may be because I bought this expecting a wonder product.  I thought a couple of weeks down the line and I would literally be flawless and glowing.  Flawless and glowing I definitely am not.  But then the product does not claim to do this in fairness.  I still have red blemises; one of which has literally today just popped up into an angry, hot, red spot.  I also haven't noticed much difference in my pore size.  I suffer from large pores especially on my cheeks, and the product did claim to combat this.  Maybe it will be a more long-term effect.....

Something I found a bit weird was that the first night I used it, I woke up and my skin felt very tight and dehydrated...more so than normal.  So that morning I put more moisturiser on than normal.  I did the same that night.  I experienced this tightness for the first few mornings.  I did wonder if this was the product does say that it encourages your skin to absorb and hold water, so maybe my skin was just so dehydrated to begin with that the product caused mass absorption!  I don't get the tightness anymore, and have gone back to using a normal amount of moisturiser.

The texture of my skin is definitely improved though - there's something more 'refined' about it.  It does seem a tad more 'glowy' but I think that is more down to a couple of cheeky sunbeds I naughtily indulged in (never again!)

Overall I can't decide about this product, but something tells me it is the type of product where I will notice the difference if I stop using it.  There is improvement, I just can't put my finger on what it is.  The proof of the pudding will come when I run out.  At £24.99 it is going to be a big decision as to whether I repurchase.  When it runs out I may not repurchase for a few weeks and see if I notice any difference.

I'll keep you posted.......


So, my Hydraluron has finally run out, which means it has lasted for 17 weeks of applying twice a day.  This works out at about 10p per application ... not too bad?

So it is crunch time ... am I going to buy again?  I was originally in two minds about whether I would re-purchase this, but now I have shifted to a definite yes.  There are two main things that contributed to this shift. 

Firstly, I was away at the weekend and forgot to take the product with me.  I didn't notice any drastic difference in my skin, but it did feel less 'well-behaved'.  One of the most noticeable differences was that my foundation literally melted into my skin within a few hours.  So on a review basis, I can definitely say that Hydraluron makes my make-up last considerably longer.  I guess this is because it creates some form of barrier which prevents my skin absorbing the foundation.  For information, I was using primer at the weekend as well, and my foundation still disappeared.  So the Hydraluron is doing something more than a primer.

Secondly, my skin is having a bit of a nightmare generally.  I think it is due to the change in the weather as I tend to get this every year.  My eczema is playing up, my skin is dry, I'm itchy and I've got lots of angry red patches on my arms and legs.  Noticeably though, I haven't had any problems with my face.  I'm putting this down to my new power partnership of Hydraluron and Body Shop Hemp Face Protector.  My skin is notoriously difficult in this weather, so the fact my face is coping well this year means Hydraluron must be packing some kind of punch in the hydration department.  Now all I need is a similar product for my body.....

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