Thursday 21 November 2013

Birthday times for the boy!

Bit of a random post, but screw it, I wanted to share my little achievement with the world..!

It was my other half's 30th birthday at the weekend, and home-made birthday cakes have been a bit of a tradition in my family for years.  My Mum started it with a cake decorating course when we were babies, and since then we've had ferrero rocher cakes, cinderella barbie cakes, minnie mouse cakes, cosmetics cakes, a Vogue magazine cover, and a sinking Titanic made completely of cake (to name just a few).

So for my boyfriend's big birthday I thought I'd bring him into the family tradition and do him a cheeky little cake.  I had a look online (bearing in mind he is a bit of a Haribo fan) and I found the perfect cake. know when you have an idea...and it seems a reaaallllyyy good idea?  And you think "that'll be pretty quick and simple".

Then 2 and a half hours and 2 kilograms of gummy bears later...this happens:

God bless my Mum for helping me out (she did the "3" and I did the "0") otherwise I may have been there ALL night.  We went through 2 tubs of Haribo Goldbears, and a lot of tedious boredom.  Each bear was stuck on using edible glue, and aside from a few gummy-bear landslides, they generally stuck really well.

If any (crazy people) are looking to recreate it, I hired the number cake tins from my local cake decorating shop at £1.50 a day.  The cake was a normal sponge that we covered in Regalice icing.  The gummy bears were then literally just stuck on with edible glue.  Bit of a tip (which is probably common sense to most people, but it took me and Mum a while to realise...) when you are doing the sides, start lining the bears up on the bottom layer first, as they stand on the board and this holds them up.  Then when you do the next layers above, the gummy bears stand on top of the gummy bear row below.  This just keeps everything in place whilst the glue sets.

It wasn't a tricky cake to make.  It just took TIME.  But I'd say do what we did...stick the X Factor on the tv, pour a glass of wine, and get gummy bear sticking!!

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