Sunday 3 March 2013

Catastrophe Cosmetic face mask - Lush

I've not dabbled much in the past with face masks, mainly due to having very sensitive skin.  But my younger sister has recently developed an obsession with Lush products and bought me their Catastrophe Cosmetic mask.  It is meant for skin going through a bit of a crisis (yeah, cheers Rach!) which at the moment mine isn't really doing.  But as with most Lush products it was fresh and so had to be used in 3 weeks, so use it I did....

The mask comes in the usual black pot typical of all Lush products.  Take 5 empties back and you'll get a free mask. It retails at £5.75 and I have easily got about 5 generous applications out of it.  Bear in mind though that you're under time constraint (it is so fresh you're even meant to keep it in the fridge).

The consistency is lumpy as it has got bits of real blueberry in it (allegedly) and the smell is lovely - blueberry with just a hint of Lush's usual aromatherapy type scent.  It isn't the easiest mask to apply - it is like spreading clay and the bits often drop off making it a bit messy.  You need quite a thick layer and it dries after about 7 minutes.

I left mine on for ten minutes then washed it off.  My skin did feel tight after and I did need to moisturise heavily but if it is meant to sort spots it has to have some form of drying property.  It didn't sting or itch, which for my skin is unusual and a big plus!

The results are hard to pin down.  As I said, my skin wasn't in crisis so it can't be criticised for not doing what it said on the tin (or..pot). My skin didn't look improved but it did feel calmer.  It is definitely a mask that feels like you are pampering your skin, but I didn't notice much visual difference. 

I did get a couple of spot flare ups and applied the mask just on these, and it did kill some of the redness.  But generally I wouldn't repurchase this unless perhaps my skin really started misbehaving and needed some SOS.  One bonus is definitely that I didn't react to it, so it is definitely one to keep in mind if my skin takes a turn for the worst.  But for general use, it is a 'nope' from me.

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