Tuesday 8 January 2013

Update on Hydraluron review

I posted a review back in September of a new (and rather expensive) product I had purchased called Hydraluron by Indeed Labs.

At the time of my original review I said the 'proof of the pudding' would come down to whether I was willing to spend the money to re-purchase the item when it ran out.

For the initial review see here,


So, my Hydraluron has finally run out, which means it has lasted for 17 weeks of applying twice a day.  This works out at about 10p per application ... not too bad?

So it is crunch time ... am I going to buy again?  I was originally in two minds about whether I would re-purchase this, but now I have shifted to a definite yes.  There are two main things that contributed to this shift. 

Firstly, I was away at the weekend and forgot to take the product with me.  I didn't notice any drastic difference in my skin, but it did feel less 'well-behaved'.  One of the most noticeable differences was that my foundation literally melted into my skin within a few hours.  So on a review basis, I can definitely say that Hydraluron makes my make-up last considerably longer.  I guess this is because it creates some form of barrier which prevents my skin absorbing the foundation.  For information, I was using primer at the weekend as well, and my foundation still disappeared.  So the Hydraluron is doing something more than a primer.

Secondly, my skin is having a bit of a nightmare generally.  I think it is due to the change in the weather as I tend to get this every year.  My eczema is playing up, my skin is dry, I'm itchy and I've got lots of angry red patches on my arms and legs.  Noticeably though, I haven't had any problems with my face.  I'm putting this down to my new power partnership of Hydraluron and Body Shop Hemp Face Protector.  My skin is notoriously difficult in this weather, so the fact my face is coping well this year means Hydraluron must be packing some kind of punch in the hydration department.  Now all I need is a similar product for my body.....


  1. Same, I adore this product it just does stuff but I dont really know what!

  2. I'm currently researching this for my eczema and came across your blog. Would you recommend I give it a try? My skin is pretty tight and flaky on my face (Ugh) and neck is pretty rough too.

  3. Hello! I've had a look on your blog, and your eczema does look very similar to mine, albeit a lot more severe than I suffer with. Over the last few years my eczema has become more reactive, so it only flares up when I use something that upsets it. With regard to the Hydraluron, I can categorically say I have not experienced any flare-up or reaction to it. It has a very gentle feel to it. Having said that, you will definitely 100% need a strong decent moisturiser on top of it, as the Hydraluron on it's own won't be anywhere near enough moisture.
    I do find this works really well at balancing the moisture in my skin - it seems a lot more 'plump' and considerably less dehydrated, especially in these cold winter months, which is quite a breakthrough for my skin. From my research though, I think this only works if you're skin problems are due to a lack of water in your skin, rather than a lack of oil (i.e. dehydrated vs. dry).

    I'd definitely say that if you have the money then it is worth a shot, as it definitely seems to do something to improve the skin texture. I did start using it though at the same time as I started using my Body Shop Hemp Face Protector, so I can't 100% confirm my skin improvement is down to one product or the other, or the combination of the two. Have you tried to Hemp Face Protector? It has some good reviews from eczema sufferers on the website, and I find it very soothing on my face. A work colleague suffers with extremely bad eczema on her forehead and didn't find the Hemp to improve her skin, but she said she didn't find it made her skin any worse so it might work for some and not for others.

    I'd be interested to hear how you get on if you do try the Hydraluron. And keep up with the blog, it's a fantastic resource for eczema sufferers, as it's a minefield out there for skincare and cosmetics!!! xx
